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Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems similar to the Health Care Database have been around for some time now, especially in the developed world, and its likely that you may have already used one of them, or you are currently using excel to keep up with accessibility and orderliness of your medical information.

The benefits of EHR systems to patients or doctors are very many and most of such benefits are already well known or they are simply logical for the current information age/era, below is a link to a detailed list of benefits to individual patients or doctors and medical facilities well stated by the University of South Florida and

Undisputed reputation
In addition to the benefits in the link above, We help more and more hopitals and clinics to get online and be more efficient. We're constantly enhancing and expanding our product and related services to keep up with changing demands for both growing health practices/businesses and individual startups. And we do so, without ever compromising quality or jeopardizing the trust of our customers. Put simply: We deliver exactly what we say we'll deliver and we treat people how we like to be treated.

Unrivalled technology
Technology lies at our core. We live it, breathe it, and never stop trying to make it better for you. That's why we're proud to boast some of the most powerful health technology network and infrastructure available.

Ease of use
Again, because we developed our own software, we control what features are included and how they are integrated. We add only the ones our customers need or request and we do so in the most user-friendly way possible. Why make things difficult when we don't have to? We know that not all of our customers are technological experts, so we make all of our products and services easy to understand, simple to use and a snap to update. We make health care data management easy with a user-friendly interfaces. So you can do what you want to do sooner, with a lot less frustration.

Exceptional value
Because of our size and leadership position in the industry, we can offer you a high quality online plartform and related services at very affordable prices.

Flexible business aproach
Whether you are an individual looking to start your own practice or a growing business wanting to set up a medical facility, we have a flexible/scallable pricing plan to suit your needs, ie we can help you adjust your personal productivity as your needs expand.

Timely Customer Support
All of our representatives go through intense training programs that are tailored specifically for the Health Care Database. So if you need assistance with any of your medical data, we can help you. You can contact us via LiveChat and email, or our number +256-705-162000.

Your family's safety

If you are the "next of kin" for some one who is a member of the Health Care Database, then you will ....
For patients

One of the key benefits of using the Health Care Database as an ordinary member (or potential pati ....
For medical facilities

If you operate any medical facilities, the key benefits of using the Health Care Database as your El ....
Patient doctor relationship

You and your doctor can access/update your records online from any where, any time, at any hospital, ....

Register now (Its free)

Membership categories

When or how to join

When to join Its advisable that you register free of charge to join the Health Care Database (HCD) ....
Health care cards

Personal health records

Keeping track of medical records can be difficult if your health information is in multiple places o ....
Privacy policy enables access to your medical records only at your discretion, for the sole ....
Terms of service

Every member of the Health Care Database has an online Medical Profile that contains biometric data ....
Reviews and comments


"... your health records should be stored on servers, not shelves."

"... and finaly! a health care system that is interoperable and integrated with accounting"

"... accelerate the seamless exchange of health information"

"... real time patient analytics"

"... you won’t have to worry about paper records being misfiled, lost or even stolen"

"... efficiency while maintaining pateint safety".

"Your data securty comes first in every thing we do"

We are inter-connecting all: patients, doctors and medical facilities in order to improve health care

... we are determined to slove the problem of interoperability.
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