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Data quality and completeness are critical to the success of any health information system, we therefore strive to ensure that members of the Health Care Database update their profiles at least once every year to cater for changes in data such as contacts or physical address information.

We are aware that most of the data integrity problems occur at the point of entry/upload, we are therefore making use of auto populating fields and drop down menus to reduce the probablilty of duplicate records and other data entry related issues.

We also use data validation rules to ensure data integrity by controlling and restricting the values that users can enter into the system. By protecting information from accidental alteration, these validation rules provide additional security and data quality assurance.

Its important that staff members with access to the Healh Care Database are properly trained on data entry and upload protocols. There are several steps we consider when training:

  • We make training an active, evolving process in response to operational needs.
  • We ensure that an easy-to-understand document with procedures should be readily available for reference.
  • All system administrators and users are assigned correct levels of access based on their training and role.
  • Auditing processes are put into place so that individuals can be held accountable for any inaccurate data entered into the Health Care Database.

Audit trails are also an important part of our data integrity checks, an audit trail is an inerasable record of all data in a system, including any changes that have been made to a database or file. The audit trail help us to answer: Who? What? When? And Why?

How it works

You will quickly notice that the Health Care Database is mainly designed to target three key entitie ....
Data storage

The Health Care Database does not only store patient records, its also stores a multitude of other h ....
Data security

Lets begin with the basics. (... and then progress to the complexities) The Health Care Database is ....
Data Accessibility

If you get a medical problem right now, the only local online database through which an emergency re ....
Data ownership

Data stored within the Health Care Database is owned by two parties, ie the Medical facility that en ....
Data aggregation

Under construction: "Data aggregation"

"... your health records should be stored on servers, not shelves."

"... and finaly! a health care system that is interoperable and integrated with accounting"

"... accelerate the seamless exchange of health information"

"... real time patient analytics"

"... you won’t have to worry about paper records being misfiled, lost or even stolen"

"... efficiency while maintaining pateint safety".

"Your data securty comes first in every thing we do"

We are inter-connecting all: patients, doctors and medical facilities in order to improve health care

... we are determined to slove the problem of interoperability.
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