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Data stored within the Health Care Database is owned by two parties, ie the Medical facility that entered the data and also the patient whose data is all attached to his or her respective account.

Any of those two parties (for whatever reason) can request to have all their data exported and handed to them in Excel (CSV) formart for further processing or in tabular (html) format suitable for printing.

Therefore, the Health Care Database is simply a data store or a digital warehouse used to collect, collate, store, and disseminate data securely, its also acts as a data processing application which helps the two parties in retreaving and interpereting their row data, further more, the database helps the two partis to access thier data from anywhere when needed.

Its a fact that patients (before they fall sick) can create their own accounts online (or else they may need to consent to the creation of an account when they visit a medical facility), at that point, the initial bio data in the patient's account belongs to the patient.

However, medical facilities also enter prescriptions/diagnosis and accounting data against each patient at each visit, they also enter human resource data regarding the employees and medical personal who are handling the patients, at that point, such data also belongs to the medical facility which is generating it.

Its clear therfore, that the two parties jointly generate and thus own the data for which they can request a copy in the specified format. An important point to note though is that; several medical facilities can contriute data to the same patient's account as he or she roams around the numerous doctors and medical facilities, in that case the medical facility only owns a specific potion of the data that they contributed.

But, such a portion of fragmented data will not make much sense unless its attached (or related) to the patient's original bio details, thats why a request for a specific portion of data would also include the patients bio details which were not nessesarily entered by the requesting medical facility.

If you do not have a secure way to store or safe guard your own data then we advise that you do not make a request to extract it since its already secure and safer where it is. 

How it works

You will quickly notice that the Health Care Database is mainly designed to target three key entitie ....
Data storage

The Health Care Database does not only store patient records, its also stores a multitude of other h ....
Data security

Lets begin with the basics. (... and then progress to the complexities) The Health Care Database is ....
Data integrity

Data quality and completeness are critical to the success of any health information system, we there ....
Data Accessibility

If you get a medical problem right now, the only local online database through which an emergency re ....
Data aggregation

Under construction: "Data aggregation"

"... your health records should be stored on servers, not shelves."

"... and finaly! a health care system that is interoperable and integrated with accounting"

"... accelerate the seamless exchange of health information"

"... real time patient analytics"

"... you won’t have to worry about paper records being misfiled, lost or even stolen"

"... efficiency while maintaining pateint safety".

"Your data securty comes first in every thing we do"

We are inter-connecting all: patients, doctors and medical facilities in order to improve health care

... we are determined to slove the problem of interoperability.