3 bedroom Bungalow for rent in Naguru Kampala Uganda, code: 78235
Newly built bungalow for rent in Naguru. It comes with a large living room, dinning area and a spacious kitchen . It has three bedrooms with well fitted wardrobes and an exquisite bathroom. It also has servants quarters. It has a green compound with brings out a beautiful scenery of the house . It’s within a well developed neighborhood. For more information call 0705218332/0780983661 to arrange a viewing appointment.
🚪Built in wardrobes
🔶Ceramic tiles
🚘Lots of parking
🕳️Septic tank
🏘️Servants quaters
🏞️Specious compound
🚧Wall fence
🚰Water tank
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The Real Estate Database (RED) is managed in a manner similar to that of an apartment block, with distinct common and private spaces. This analogy provides a clear way for potential subscribers to understand the structure and limitations of the platform.
The RED as an Apartment Block.
The RED portal itself serves as the equivalent of an apartment block, while the related websites and accounts represent individual apartment units, much like those governed under condominium law.
In an apartment building, there are common areas shared by all residents, such as staircases, elevators, the compound, gates, corridors, pillars, swimming pools, and gyms. Similarly, the RED platform has shared spaces, including the WebAdmin, listings pages, and the overall platform infrastructure.
Customization in Private Spaces.
Apartment blocks also include private spaces within each apartment unit where owners can customize elements like wall colors, furniture, and tiles. In the same way, RED provides
FAILING TO ACCURATELY ASSESS A BUYERS’ NEEDS DOES NOT MAKE THE BUYER UNSERIOUS. As a veteran in the real estate marketing space, I frequently encounter situations where potential buyers, leads, or referrals from the Real Estate Database (RED) were not properly followed up to closing. When I confront agents about these missed opportunities, I often hear excuses such as the lead or potential buyer "was unserious."
This response is frustrating and concerning to me because it implies a lack of effort and professionalism on the part of the agent. It's disheartening to have to repeatedly educate agents about the importance of treating all potential clients with equal respect and diligence, regardless of their perceived seriousness.
It's baffling to me how a potential buyer could come across a 400 million or 600 million property on the Real Estate Database (RED), express interest through an inquiry, arrange for a tour of the property with a real estate agent, and often times even pay search fees, only for the agent to turn around and dismiss the lead as
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