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1 bedroom Rental units for sale in Nansana Wakiso Uganda, code: 202402
Rentals on sale in Nansana, offering six single rooms and one double room, generating a monthly income of 1.5M. These 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom units are located on Hoima road within Wakiso District, making it a prime location for tenants. With a spacious size of 12 Decimals, this property is perfect for investors looking for a steady stream of rental income. The price of 120M Shillings is a great deal for the amenities included such as ample parking space and a peaceful neighborhood. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a profitable rental property in the bustling town of Nansana.
#oneBedroomListings #NansanaListings #Nansana #RentalunitsForSale #twelveDecimals #WakisoDistrictListings #Wakiso #oneBathroomListings #Hoimaroad #Rentalunits #BrandproPropertyServices @followers
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HOW MUCH IS A 50 BY 100 PLOT IN YOUR PREFERRED LOCATION? When it comes to real estate, one of the most common plot sizes you'll encounter is the 50x100 feet lot, also known as a 12 decimal (12.5) plot in some regions. This size offers a substantial area for a variety of residential or commercial developments.
The most asked question on the Real Estate Database is "how much does a plot size of 50X100 actually cost (in different locations)? Let's dive into the specifics and explore the factors that influence the price of a 50x100 plot in several prime locations. Understanding Plot Size: 50x100 and 12 Decimals (12.5).Before we get into the numbers and your preferred locations, let's clarify what we mean by a 50x100 plot and 12 decimals (12.5 to be precise).
50x100 Plot: This is a rectangular piece of land with dimensions of 50 feet by 100 feet, totaling 5,000 square feet.
12.5 Decimals: In land measurement terms, especially in countries using the decimal system for real estate, 12.5 decimals equal approximately 5,227 square feet.
WHY A PROPTECH STARTUP NEEDS TO MAKE PROFITS FRÓM THE START. If you're starting an online PropTech business, one critical lesson is clear, your startup must focus on generating profits from day one. This means your pricing should ensure that revenue from the minimum number of viable clients covers all your regular monthly expenses, and reaching this client base should be achievable within a few months (not years) of launching. Based on my own experience, this is a crucial factor in building a sustainable and competitive business in such a rapidly evolving industry. The Importance of Profitability from the Start.When building a PropTech startup, your business model must be designed to generate profits immediately, no matter how small the profits. Many startups fall into the trap of waiting years to make money, thinking that growth and scale should come first. This is a dangerous path, as it can leave you vulnerable to new competitors who might offer similar technology or services for free.For example, Flipkart, an e-commerce giant in India, faced
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