Elegant and prime home for your family located in Kira.
The home has 5 bedrooms self-contained, 3 sitting rooms, a dining room, mastered in and outside kitchen, a study room, offices, guest rooms, a boy's quarter, ample parking space, and a good neighborhood. Set on 25 decimals, the home is listed at a negotiable price of 850,000,000 shillings.
🚪Built in wardrobes
🔶Ceramic tiles
🏩Guest house
🖥️Home office
🚘Lots of parking
🏡Manicured lawn
💠Paved compound
🏞️Specious compound
🏫Tiled roof
🚧Wall fence
(Related by price or location or district or status or type) |
HOW TO START A REAL ESTATE AGENCY BUSINESS IN UGANDA Starting a real estate agency business in Uganda can be a rewarding and profitable venture, as there is a high demand for property and rental services in the country. However, starting a real estate business requires careful planning, market research, and a thorough understanding of the industry and local regulations. Here are some steps to help you get started on your real estate agency business in Uganda:Research the market: Before starting your business, it's important to research the real estate market in Uganda, including the demand for rental and property services, the competition, and the most popular areas for investment.Develop a business plan: A comprehensive business plan will help you outline your goals, strategy, and financial projections. It will also help you secure funding, if needed, and attract potential investors as well as outline how you plan to run your business.Register your business: You will need to register your business with the Registrar of Companies in Ugan
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